I wonder if there are others out there like myself that always seem to relate a certain moment or memory to a particular song. I ask because on the way home Saturday night I heard a very old song that reminded me of my freshman year of high school skating with my friends around the rink at FunPlex singing this song at the top of our lungs toward the guys we had crushes on (very embarrassing thinking back now!). What song you ask? Love of a Lifetime, by Firehouse, LOL!!!!! I started to laugh when I heard it and John was looking at me like, what's so funny. So I had to turn the radio up and then he knew instantly what was making me laugh. Him and his friends were the guys I was referring to above *wink*.
There always seems to be a song attached to just about every memory of mine. Is this weird? For instance, "Neon Moon" by Brooks and Dunn always reminds me of my junior year. Every Sunday night Jill and I would trek down in our cowboy boots to the Grizzly Rose for a night of country dancing. The guys would all be playing pool while us girls would be out on the dance floor stomping our feet until they went numb to every line dance!
Rod Stewart's "Have I told you Lately" reminds me of the first summer John and I were dating, driving around in the Enterprise (the nickname of john's old car).
The Goo Goo Dolls, "Name" always takes me back to when I had just started college. I actually remember where I was and what I was thinking when I first heard that song.
Debbie Gibson's, "Shake your Love" reminds me of walking home from school in the 6th grade with my denim jacket and matching denim backpack with my Y108 radio sticker on it and listening to either Debbie, Tiffany, or Madonna on my walkman. I can still picture that walk like it was yesterday. This takes me to another memory.... Madonna's "Lucky Star." I use to dance to that song, among others in our basement or in the backyard, LOL!!!!! I was quiet the little dancer back then. Broke my mom's heart when I wanted to quit dance lessons to play soccer.
John Mellencamp's "Jack & Diane" was a song that while at a soccer tournament, one of my friends had this song in her head for some reason and by the end of the trip every single one of us on the team could not get it out of our heads! So while we'd be practicing, stretching, or standing on the sidelines, we'd all be singing Jack & Diane. Needless to say we received some very strange looks from the girls on the other team.
And then there are some memories that are tied more to a generation of music like the 50's, then just one song. Whenever I hear Elvis, Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Bobby Darin, Temptations, Supremes, Beach Boys, & the Beatles (I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea) it always reminds me of growing up, going to church every Sunday in the old Oldsmobile. My parents would always have Kool 105 on the radio in the car. After church we'd go get doughnuts and then head home to fix a big breakfast. Afterwards my mom would turn Kool 105 on in the house as she cleaned and dad would have the same station playing while he fiddled around out in the garage. It's the reason that at 28 I know all the words to "A Teenager in Love," "My Girl," "Rock Around the Clock," "Dream Lover," and every Elvis song! It always seems to impress others my age.
Of course there are other songs I can think of that are attached to a particular memory, these are only a few, but many I like to keep to myself. They are a little more sacred and too close the heart to share with the world but this is why I love music so much. It has this wonderful ability to take me back to a past memory that over time I had completely forgotten about. It's nice to be driving along and out of the blue a song will come on that will bring a smile to my face, a laugh to my voice, and a warm feeling to the heart.
It's priceless!
There always seems to be a song attached to just about every memory of mine. Is this weird? For instance, "Neon Moon" by Brooks and Dunn always reminds me of my junior year. Every Sunday night Jill and I would trek down in our cowboy boots to the Grizzly Rose for a night of country dancing. The guys would all be playing pool while us girls would be out on the dance floor stomping our feet until they went numb to every line dance!
Rod Stewart's "Have I told you Lately" reminds me of the first summer John and I were dating, driving around in the Enterprise (the nickname of john's old car).
The Goo Goo Dolls, "Name" always takes me back to when I had just started college. I actually remember where I was and what I was thinking when I first heard that song.
Debbie Gibson's, "Shake your Love" reminds me of walking home from school in the 6th grade with my denim jacket and matching denim backpack with my Y108 radio sticker on it and listening to either Debbie, Tiffany, or Madonna on my walkman. I can still picture that walk like it was yesterday. This takes me to another memory.... Madonna's "Lucky Star." I use to dance to that song, among others in our basement or in the backyard, LOL!!!!! I was quiet the little dancer back then. Broke my mom's heart when I wanted to quit dance lessons to play soccer.
John Mellencamp's "Jack & Diane" was a song that while at a soccer tournament, one of my friends had this song in her head for some reason and by the end of the trip every single one of us on the team could not get it out of our heads! So while we'd be practicing, stretching, or standing on the sidelines, we'd all be singing Jack & Diane. Needless to say we received some very strange looks from the girls on the other team.
And then there are some memories that are tied more to a generation of music like the 50's, then just one song. Whenever I hear Elvis, Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Bobby Darin, Temptations, Supremes, Beach Boys, & the Beatles (I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea) it always reminds me of growing up, going to church every Sunday in the old Oldsmobile. My parents would always have Kool 105 on the radio in the car. After church we'd go get doughnuts and then head home to fix a big breakfast. Afterwards my mom would turn Kool 105 on in the house as she cleaned and dad would have the same station playing while he fiddled around out in the garage. It's the reason that at 28 I know all the words to "A Teenager in Love," "My Girl," "Rock Around the Clock," "Dream Lover," and every Elvis song! It always seems to impress others my age.
Of course there are other songs I can think of that are attached to a particular memory, these are only a few, but many I like to keep to myself. They are a little more sacred and too close the heart to share with the world but this is why I love music so much. It has this wonderful ability to take me back to a past memory that over time I had completely forgotten about. It's nice to be driving along and out of the blue a song will come on that will bring a smile to my face, a laugh to my voice, and a warm feeling to the heart.
It's priceless!
John named his car the "enterprise" did he? Wouldn't happen to be a "Star Trek" fan, would he? So is my husband!
You will find as you get older that some of the songs of your youth make you sad. This has happened to me. I find I cannot listen to some of them any more because they remind me of people I have lost over the years. They bring back good memories, yes... they also bring tears. (I'm not attempting to wax poetic here. I just realized that rhymed!)
You were in a discussion about fetuses being life on
The specific post was "My First Post of Awesomeness!" You might want to go back and read my comment. I was touched by the subject and bared something about myself - which means I have healed from the trauma, I'm sure of it... finally - otherwise I would not have been that open about it. I also tried to explain my stance on abortion; from an older and wiser (hopefully) point of view. I thought you might be interested in reading it.
Gayle, at 27/10/05 8:28 PM
I'm sorry, now you are going to have to search for it. Maximize the comment section and it shouldn't be hard to find because it's the longest comment on there, at least so far. Allisoni came on almost immediately pointing out that I skipped the part about the egg needing to ovulate. For heaven's sake, there I was baring my sould and this person had absolutely no empathy for that. I think she's a gonner! :(
Gayle, at 27/10/05 8:42 PM
Gayle: Actually it was named the "enterprise" becase it was this huge tank of a car! I know he's a star wars fan, not sure about star trek though. All I know is that I could really care less about either one, LOL!
I read your comment this morning and was very moved by it, I appreciated your openness. She could have actaully learned something from what you had to say.
I actually made a comment to allisoni about her reaction. It's like you try to sympathize with her and reach some common ground and she justs blasts right into you. I tried the same thing, but to no avail.
Hopefully she, like us, will see the error of her ways once she's a little older and wiser.
Corie, at 28/10/05 11:30 AM
Hopefully she will, Corey, but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon. :)
I came here to congratulate you on doing a good job on "Let Our Voices Be Heard." A "good job" really is an understatement. You did an excellent job! Kudos! Of course it didn't phase Dan. Nosireeee! He just trudges right along, calling me Miss Gayle and being oh-so-polite. He's not disparaging our troops any more so I don't feel right about throwing him off, but sometimes he gets to be a bit much! Thanks again!
Gayle, at 8/11/05 5:17 PM
You made another comment on Let Our Voices Be Heard that I want to congratulate you on. You know your bible better than I do!
I'm not posting on that post anymore as I am working on others, but I have left it open until such a time as it takes too long to load.
Gayle, at 9/11/05 10:01 AM
Hi Corie. Sorry I can't comment on this, I'm in a huge hurry... why I'm here is that I have a problem I need lots of help with.
Liberals have been trying to start a "wear black on Fridays until our troops come home" and I hope to start a counter to that.
One problem: I can't choose a color. So, I'll just count all Conservative votes that I get, and whatever reasonable choice gets the most votes, I'll choose.
Anyway, I hope you can come!
(NOTE: Liberal comments attacking Iraq will be deleted. That is for another post. This one is looking for Conservative opinion)
Rebekah, at 9/11/05 8:36 PM
Thanks for voting Corie!
I have decided on two possible options for the Support Our Troops and Their Mission movement, and I need y'all's feedback again on which would be best.
Rebekah, at 10/11/05 12:37 PM
You're not the only one with the music thing, Corie =) I think about that quite often. Just the other day I found a song that I hadn't heard since I was a kid, and it hit me with memories that I'd almost completely forgotten about. It's quite amazing! Thanks for sharing all that!
Tom, at 28/11/05 6:16 AM
It's so nice to know I'm not weird...or at least, not the only weirdo, LOL!!!
Corie, at 28/11/05 3:59 PM
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